The Shop Buddy's website supplies a user friendly member login area. The members section allows artisans to directly communicate with the in-house technicians should a piece of machinery become damaged during use. This allows for shop technicians to monitor events even while not on premises.
The Shop Buddy makes using time efficiently an everyday standard. When a busy woodshop fills up with crafspeople, it can sometimes become difficult to plan around everyone's hectic life schedules. Together, TSB mobile app and website make it very simple to quickly adjust your daily, weekly, or monthly schedule. Using this powerful feature, all artisans can see what tools are available for use, and when.
Lots of traffic means lots of misplaced hand tools and un-organized tool lockers. The Shop Buddy, along with it's simple to setup and print QR code labels, helps to keep track of every piece of equipment that leaves it's home. Using the sticker system in combination with the mobile app, technicians and studio members can always see where they grabbed their tools from. This is now a clutter-free zone!!